Thursday, December 17, 2009

Scratching My Way to the Surface

You haven't heard from me and this is the reason. I won't even show you the other side of the studio. For some reason when I returned from Nebraska I couldn't find room for the art supplies I brought back. It's a puzzle because I didn't buy anything in Lincoln, NE, but two packages of Fun Foam. All horizontal surfaces are full of stuff and I cannot even begin to work on a project. So. Instead of squeezing things in I am pulling everything out and putting things back in places where it makes sense to keep them. I cannot work in a chaotic environment, although, curiously, I work on my books in a chaotic manner. That's why I like making books—creating order from chaos. I like starting clean, making a mess, and then cleaning up.  Should I be worried about this?


Paper Chipmunk (aka Ellen) said...

Ah, but what fantastic cabinetry!

Tattered Pages Interest Group said...

Yes, R does the woodwork and the paper tray cabinet was a present from last year. It makes me quite willing to leave my car parked outside of our garage so he can use it as a shop.